Tuition Refund Policy
Official Drop/Withdrawal & Tuition Refund Policy
Fees are non-refundable after the first week of the semester. To receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees, the official Change of Registration/Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form requesting withdrawal or leave of absence must be submitted to the Registrar on or before the last day of the first week of the semester at close of business day. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the tuition refund policy.
Clarkson College tuition refunds may be credited to the student's account after the official Change of Registration/Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form is submitted to the Registrar. The tuition refund is calculated based on the date the completed paperwork is received by the Registrar's office and will be applied according to the refund schedule.
Only the Student Accounts Coordinator can approve exceptions to the tuition and fee refund schedule. Deans, directors, faculty members and staff are not authorized to make exceptions.
Tuition Refund Policy for 6-Week and 7.5-Week Online Courses
To receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees, the Registrar must receive the official Change of Registration/Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form no later than the close of the second business day of the session. Fees are nonrefundable after the close of the second business day. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the six week online session tuition refund policy.
Note: It is strongly recommended that students consult with a Clarkson College Student Financial Services representative prior to dropping any classes. Dropping credit hours may create serious financial problems. A student may be required to repay a portion of federal financial aid if s/he withdraws from classes.
Tuition Refund Policy for Active Duty Military Personnel
In accordance with the Clarkson College Leave of Absence policy, any active duty service member will be granted an educational leave of absence. An active duty service member includes a member of a state National Guard or reserve forces or a spouse of an active duty service member with dependent children who is called to perform either state or federal military duty that would interfere with the member’s ability to complete the current term of instruction. Such service members or spouses may be refunded tuition and mandatory fees for courses which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes.
Student Financial Services
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST
Student Financial Services Office
101 South 42nd Street
Omaha, NE 68131-2739
FX 402.552.6165
Financial Aid:
Staff Contacts
Laura Tworek - Last names A-H;
Danielle Beaulieu - I-Se;
Vanessa Thompson - Sf-Z
PH 402.552.2749
Book an Appointment via
Microsoft Bookings here.
Student Accounts:
PH 402.552.6188